Ruth Williams

Ruth is the CEO of the Austrian Fundraising Association since January 2024. A graduate of the Vienna Advertising Academy, she is also an Academic CSR Manager and holds an MSc in CSR & Ethics Management. After several years at Caritas Austria as Head of CSR, Corporate Cooperation & Foundation Fundraising, she transitioned to the Association for Charitable Foundations, where she spent five years contributing to the development of the philanthropy sector in Austria. Ruth brings together expertise in CSR, fundraising, strategic partnerships, philanthropy, and foundations. She is also a member of the Expert Jury for the CSR-Guide, a member of the Sustainable Designers, and a Board Member of the Bündnis Gemeinnützigkeit. Image credt: (c)Sima Prodinger.

Ruth at #F2FCongress25:

Monday, 13:00-13:30
with Elsbeth De Ridder

Monday, 18:00-18:30 and Tuesday, 14:00-14:30
Clinic Sessions
with Roland Csaki

Ruth Williams
Austrian Fundraising Association