Robert Buchhaus

After graduating from university Robert decided to work in fundraising instead, assuming to fund positive changes in the world would be more fulfilling than being a lawyer.

He now has 36 years experience in fundraising, starting as a part-time door-to-door fundraiser, team leader, campaign manager, recruitment manager in Germany and Austria on behalf of various NPOs for ten years – training and leading teams from 5 to 100 fundraisers and developing face-to-face fundraising campaigns for charities. Asking personally approximately 50,000 people for a regular donations in this time has taught him a lot about life, people and himself.

He worked as a volunteer and later was employed by Amnesty International Austria where, as well as project work, he was organising sponsored charity events and co-ordinated other fundraising activities. He has held various positions in the NPO world, and since 1995 he has been a consultant for fundraising agencies and various international charities such as Greenpeace International, where from 1999-2000 he helped to expand their face-to-face programmes in most of their national offices globally.

He is one of two partners in The Global Fundraising Group which runs street-, door-, and telephone fundraising companies in Australia, Austria, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom, the United States, Mexico and the Philippines) was acting as international marketing and development director until 2006 – and since 2007 is the Managing Director of Face2Face Fundraising Austria and Germany which was part of the group that initially pioneered the face-to-face fundraising technique.

He is a highly-respected international speaker at fundraising conventions across the world and has the reputation as one of the leading specialists on face-to-face fundraising. A member of the German and American Fundraising Association, Robert is the longest serving member of the Austria Fundraising Association.

Robert at #F2FCongress23:
Day 2, 11:00-12:00: Workshop 2D – The Future of Face2Face Fundraising
Day 2, 15:45-16:45: Session – The Future of Face2Face Fundraising

Robert Buchhaus F2F Fundraising Congress 2023
Face2Face Fundraising GmbH