Peter is CEO of the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (Australia), where he has been at the forefront of fundraising compliance, introducing a comprehensive accreditation program for members and the world’s first register of F2F fundraisers.
Previously, he was CEO of the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association in the UK, before moving ‘down under’ in 2017 to take up the helm at its Australian sister company.
Peter joined the nonprofit sector in 2014, having worked across a range of senior policy and communications roles in local government, the UK civil service and Parliament. He specialised in competition and regulatory policy and led a number of Select Committee inquiries into a diverse range of topics, including media concentration, the future of the BBC, and renewable energy markets.
Beyond his regulatory role, Peter represents the interests of members and F2F fundraising more broadly by writing, appearing and talking in the media about its future. He is passionate about the role of charities in society and the importance of public fundraising to preserve their independence.
Peter at #F2FCongress23:
Day 2, 12:15-13:15: Keynote 4A – Self-regulation as a framework for long-term sustainability in F2F fundraising: a practical guide for your market. with Sherry Bell – PFFA Professional Face-to-Face Fundraising Association (USA) and Angela Norton – Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (New Zealand)