Matt Radford

Matt Radford is a Vulnerability Management specialist with over 10 years’ experience in the international charity sector. Matt helps fundraisers to empower, support and protect people and communities experiencing disadvantage and harm. He provides training and consultancy for individuals, organisations, professional membership organisations and regulators. Matt is also a regular speaker and named contributor in sector publications and best practice guidance.

Matt at #F2FCongress25:

Tuesday, 11:30-12:45 and Wednesday, 11:30-12:45
Helping you fundraise sustainably, ethically and effectively. In any circumstance.
with Angela Norton

Theme: Ethical and Sustainable Fundraising

Level: Beginners & Advanced

New Zealand has built a new code to support fundraisers and the challenges they experience, regardless of level, channel, market or activity. This is already supporting charities across New Zealand to build programmes which are sustainable and (importantly) do more good.

We will explain and actively challenge this code – demonstrating how it practically supports everyday (and innovative) fundraising.

We will discuss how this was developed, and the stakeholders crucial to its success.

#SelfRegulation #EthicalFundraising #F2FCompliance

Matthew Radford
Vulnerable Paths