Ilja De Coster

Ilja De Coster, is a senior consultant and fundraising data strategist and the founding Vice President of Fundraisers Belgium. He has been advising various organisations for almost 20 years, and is a regular speaker in Belgium and internationally. Since 2017 he has been Chief Platform Architect at The DonorVoice, the leading global agency applying donor psychology into actionable insights for daily fundraising. At Amnesty International Flanders, he led an ambitious growth that tripled the income from individual donations.

Ilja at #F2FCongress25:

Tuesday, 14:30-15:15
Challenges and issues in F2F fundraising – Combining science and data processing to fix your fundraising

Theme: Data-Driven Fundraising

Level: Beginners & Advanced

F2F remains one of the strongest fundraising techniques, but it faces challenges. Rising costs and declining donor retention. It is vital to understand this and the poor ‘best practice’ we have been using for years. With this insight, we can fix F2F by combining behavioural science, good data processing and analytics to create a better donor experience. And by adding telemarketing to the mix. In this session, we’ll share some data-driven inspiration on how to save F2F fundraising.

#DataDrivenFundraising #DataAnalytics #Behavioural Science #Quality #DonorRetention

Ilja de Costar
The DonorVoice