Cindy Morgan

Cindy Morgan has been Sr Manager of Acquisition at ChildFund International since 2010. Her work in the non-profit sector includes building acquisition campaigns through F2F, DRTV, phone outreach, and direct mail as well as creating retention campaigns for both child sponsorship and monthly giving products.

Cindy at #F2FCongress25:

Tuesday, 15:15-16:00
Winning Donor Loyalty

with Michael Scully

Theme: Donor Retention and Engagement

Level: Beginners & Advanced

How can combining the joy of giving with the thrill of winning revolutionize fundraising? Discover how an innovative unrestricted campaign achieved 25% higher donor retention at month 12 and exponential growth. Join industry experts to explore real-world data, actionable insights, and proven strategies for creating long-term sustainable income streams. Perfect for nonprofit leaders, fundraising professionals, and innovators seeking to elevate donor engagement and retention.

Cindy Morgan
ChildFund International