Carl Young

Carl Young is chairman of the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA). An experienced philanthropy and fundraising professional, board director, and nonprofit advocate, Carl is also a fellow of Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA) and former FIA Fundraiser of the Year. A passionate supporter of F2F fundraising, he has worked for eight years as a PFRA Board member, helping to oversee the rise in the standards and quality of F2F fundraising in Australia. He set up Jigsaw Fundraising in 2022, a consultancy that supports charities on best practice and ethical fundraising methodologies ranging from Individual and Regular Giving, Major Gifts through to Bequests.

Carl at #F2FCongress25:

Tuesday, 10:15-11:00
The Circle of Success – Creating a Winning Culture for you and your F2F agency

Theme: Organisational Capacity Building

Level: Beginners & Advanced

F2F fundraising is a dynamic, engaging, and transformational fundraising channel. Dynamic in its nature of recruitment but also in its real-time data analytics and relationships – from the public through to Board members. You can’t raise funds for your mission by keeping a F2F supplier at arm’s length, so how are you empowering them to thrive and advance your mission? This engaging session will provide tips and insights on how to create a winning culture between you and your F2F agency. From set up considerations, contract negotiations through to performance KPIs and weathering the challenges of a media storm. The circle of success can help you optimise your F2F programme to create that win-win culture.

#OrganisationalCapacityBuilding #Culture #SupplierManagement #VendorManagement

Carl Young
Jigsaw Fundraising